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Extreme weather adds urgency for action on climate change – panel

"Panel of scientists, economist and experts say 2012's extreme weather adds impetus for action on man-made global warming"

Category: Climate Change


Nuclear fusion – your time has come

"Harnessing nuclear fusion to create cheap, safe and sustainable energy used to be a futuristic joke. But its day is almost upon us"

Category: Energy sources


Benefits of thorium as alternative nuclear fuel are 'overstated'

"A report on thorium's potential says the UK should continue to research the technology but downplays proponents' claims"


Shale gas potential for UK overhyped, says Ed Davey

"Energy and climate secretary says shale gas from fracking could make difference to UK energy picture, but 'perhaps not as big a difference as some sections of the press would have me believe'"


Cuadrilla breached fracking conditions, court told

"Company exploring for shale gas in Lancashire exceeded 90-day drilling limit and broke wildlife protection agreement"

Displaying results 146 to 150 out of 2977